Deutsche Arachnologische Gesellschaft e.V.

Application for Membership to the DeArGe e.V.

To its members, the DeArGe offers

  • »ARACHNE« - a journal (in german), which is published every second month, with information around arachnids and short summaries of each article in English,
  • courses in sex determination and lectures,
  • excursion - within Germany and abroad - in order to study indigenous arachnids and their natural habitat,
  • contact to fellow (amateur) arachnologists within Germany and around the world.

The following Membership rate table shows the graduation of the Membership fee within the year of joining the DeArGe e.V. The Committee can change the Membership fee. The changes will become effective for the next years Membership fee.

Membership Fee:

  • Europe 35 € p.a.
  • Rest of the world: 45 € p.a.


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Zipcode, City:*  
Date of Birth:* (

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* I agree to the storage of my personal datas for limited staturory purposes.

  © 2020 Deutsche Arachnologische Gesellschaft e.V. | Impressum