Deutsche Arachnologische Gesellschaft e.V.

about us

The Deutsche Arachnologische Gesellschaft e. V. - DeArGe (German Arachnologic Society) is a registered non-profit club according to German law. It was established in Ludwigsburg in 1995. Today, it is seated and registered in Z�lpich.

The DeArGe is managed by a honorary committee consisting of chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer, secretary and editor. Apart from this committee, each club member can and is encouraged to actively participate in the Society, e.g. help at exhibitions, publishing articles in the club journal »ARACHNE« or giving interviews on behalf of the DeArGe. Club members are joined together by a code of honour, which says to help each other unselfishly to solve arachnological problems, to carry out sex determinations for free, to observe laws when collecting arachnids and not to market hybrids.

Membership is open to all persons interested in arachnology who are at least 12 years old. Membership is 25 Euro / year, students and trainees, living in Germany, pay 13 Euro / year when enclosing a valid proof to their application form.

With respect to public benefit, the society serves to unite all - primarily German - arachnologists, except acarologists. The DeArGe aims to

  • inform about and study arachnids and their correct keeping and breeding,
  • allay fears concerning common prejudices towards spiders, this includes correcting information which are published by the media,
  • further the protection of indigenous arachnids and their natural habitat, which also means to encourage captive breeding,
  • promote cooperation with other arachnologic clubs, e.g. BTS and ATS

To its members, the DeArGe offers

  • »ARACHNE« - a journal, which is published every quarter, with information around arachnids and short summaries of each article in English,
  • courses in sex determination and lectures,
  • excursion - within Germany and abroad - in order to study indigenous arachnids and their natural habitat,
  • contact to fellow (amateur) arachnologists within Germany and around the world.

Recently, the DeArGe mainly focuses on research and information on tarantulas, as most of its members keep primarily these kind of arachnids.

At the moment the DeArGe has 1241 members and the trend is still upwards! This means that the Society is one of Europe's largest clubs for keepers of tropical arachnids!

If you are interested in membership, please fill in the application form.

For any further questions, please feel free to contact:

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